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Basketry, wicker, rattan and cordage, page 4 of 4

Basketry, wicker, rattan and cordage
Reed for basketry in different thicknesses, vegetable grid in rolls or in linear meters.
Natural wicker in different colours available. Rope in various thicknesses in rolls or meters.
Products for artisans and professionals.

There´s understanding basketry as the craft of making objects by weaving or rolling natural materials such as "branches" or "herbs", in particular the msot used materials are botanical species from the tropical region of Southeast Asia, known as Calameae palm.

The seagrass rope, the raffia, the buff wicker and the rest of elements in the category have the common objetive of facilitating the manufacture of natural products using different techniques and finishes.

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There´s understanding basketry as the craft of making objects by weaving or rolling natural materials such as "branches" or "herbs", in particular the msot used materials are botanical species from the tropical region of Southeast Asia, known as Calameae palm.

These types of materials are very flexible, which is why they have been used for decades in the manufacture of furniture and utensils to replace wood.

The rattan is much easier to plant and transport, in addition to growing much faster than most tropical woods, this makes its use in furniture manufacturing much more sustainable.

The wicker or reed for basketery is another type of natural fiber from a bush of willow family, and is used to create furniture, baskets and useful objects from the weave of these fibers.

The chair grid/woven rattan is a material already previously woven to create the characteristic pattern of the chairs of aforetime. By weaving rattan fibers we obtain these prefwoven surfaces, wich you just have to accommodate it to the surface you want to cover, and glue or fix it to the frame using pith or jamb.

The seagrass rope, the raffia, the buff wicker and the rest of elements in the category have the common objetive of facilitating the manufacture of natural products using different techniques and finishes.

Discover all the materials and tools available for traditional work.

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