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The conservation and restoration of metal is the activity dedicated to the protection and preservation of objects, often historical, made in part or totaly metal. It includes all the activities aimed at preventing or delaying its deterioration. 

Despite the fact that metals are considered relatively permanent and stable materials, in contact with the environment they deteriorate little by little, some more quickly and other slower.

In this category you will find all the necessary products for the retoration and treatment of your most precious metal pieces, restoring them to their original shine and appearance.

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Metal treatment products are specifically desgined for the function to be performed on the material. We can find products for preventive treatment, metal cleaning, rust removal etc. We are going to list in a general way the different families of products that you can find.

- Metal cleaners: Metal cleaning is the most common procedure in conservation and restoration. In principle, it is aimed ar removing dirt and corrosion products from the surface of the metal object.

- Steel wool: Material intended for cleaning surfaces, while polishing and shine the surface. It is used to polish materials such as brass, copper, iron etc. Removes rust and dirt in the same way that sandpaper would on wood. 
Cut a piece of the material and rub it against the object you want to clean. Depending on the chosen abrasiveness of the material, it quickly removes imperfections by way of roughing, or polishes and gently cleans the surface without leaving scratches. May be assimilated to sandpaper in wood treatments.

- Brighteners: Product for removing dirt from metals and creating a shiny finish. They repair surfaces recovering their original finish and protecting them with a wax film.

- Deoxidizers: Product composed of chemical elements that eliminate the compounds of metal oxidation. It is also used to remove stains from taps, stainless steel, chrome, vitrified...

- Varnishes: Varnishes for metals are colorless and have a matt or satin finish. They are a good choice for protecting metal parts from rust. There are varnishes that can be applied on rusty surfaces directly to prevent them from deteriorating even more, but maintaining the texture of the rust and rusticity.

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