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Chamber Kilns

Chamber Kilns
A kiln is a thermally insulated chamber, a type of oven, that produces temperatures sufficient to complete some process, such as hardening, drying, or chemical changes.

Kilns have been used for millennia to turn objets made from clay into pottery, tiles and bricks.

Kilns are esential part of the manufacture of all ceramics. Ceramics require high temperatures so chemical and physical reactions will occur to permanently alter and unfired body after giving them their final shape with manual works, molds or pottery wheels.

In the case of pottery, clay materials are shaped, dried and the fired in a kiln. The final characteristics are determined by the composition and preparation of the clay body and the temperature at which it is fired.

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After a first firing, glazes may be used and the ware is fired a second time to fuse the glaze into the body. 

A third firing at a lower temperature may be required to fix overglaze decoration. Modern kilns often have sophisticated electronic control systems, although pyrometric devices are often also used.

Clay consists of fine-grained particles that are relatively weak and porous. Clay is combined with other minerals to create a workable clay body. The firing process includes sintering. 

This heats the clay until the particles partially melt and flow together, creating a strong, single mass, composed of a glassy phase interspersed with pores and crystalline material. Through firing, the pores are reduced in size, causing the material to shrink slightly. 
This crystalline material predominantly consists of silicon and aluminium oxides.

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